Sunday, November 27, 2011

Maggie Moose Is Back in Town!

Maggie midway through obedience training

  Last week on 11/21/11, I picked my dog Maggie up from obedience training camp. She spent 4 weeks at Don O'Brien's Boarding & Training Kennel for on-leash & off-leash obedience training with both verbal & hand signal commands. Was it worth it? YES, YES, and YES! Did Maggie remember me after all that time apart? YES, YES, and YES! Are Maggie and I closer now than before she left for training? YES, YES, and YES! Do I have a spectacular dog after that training? YES, YES, and YES! Maggie came home a higher caliber dog, because while she was away she not only received daily tender loving care, but generations worth of obedience training from the O'Brien family. Thank you O'Briens.

Driving up at the crack of dawn

 I was filled with anticipation as I drove up to pick up Maggie from camp. 4 weeks is a long time apart from my best buddy. I confess I was a slothful slug while she was gone. I enjoyed sleeping in a little longer without the early am walks with Maggie. I enjoyed my slothfulness after work too. That is when I wasn't going out doing a little socializing without worrying about my Maggie being home alone. As I drove in the dark I listened to Blake Shelton's Greatest Hits CD. Hillbilly Bone blared in the wee hours of the morn driving up Hwy 680. HEE HAW! City slicker goes country.... HEE HAW!     
Deep fog approaching Sacramento

  As I drove through the fog I wondered if I was up for my obedience training with Don O'Brien? I was scheduled to train about 1 1/2 hr with Don before taking Maggie home. Geez, I knew my dog mastered the training, but I wasn't so sure about my own ability. I was feeling the pressure of the foggy unknown. 

Sunshine in Wilton, CA

  Out of the fog and into the sunshine. The O'Briens welcomed me with morning coffee and toast. I accepted the coffee and sat down with the O'Brien family while they ate their breakfast. I drank my coffee. Maggie was tucked away in the kennel while we conversed. Don kept saying " smart Maggie is...what a nice dog...." over and over again. He told me he had to correct her once when she ran to the kennel and he went the opposite way. Other than that one correction Maggie pretty much did what she was asked the first time. I sat there thinking I hope I catch on so quickly when it's my turn to learn. Nothing like a little pressure. The dog outshining the master? Yikes!

  The next step was Don O'Brien getting Maggie out of the kennel. I sat in a chair in their living room and looked out through the window onto on the patio below. Don brought Maggie to the patio for a demonstration of her obedience skills. Thoughts of: Holy cow! There was my dog! She looked great! She looked happy! Once the obedience demonstration started Maggie looked confident. 

  Don went through demonstrating on-leash and off-leash commands both verbal & hand signal of; heel, down stay, sit stay, come, and all kinds of distractions for Maggie as she held her commands rock steady. I went outside and stood quietly in front of Maggie while Don continued his commands. Maggie's eyes were ablaze with recognition of me yet she stayed true to whatever Don asked of her. Finally we were able to hug it out! Maggie felt great! She wiggled her butt with excitement to see me. 

Photos of Don and Maggie working taken through the living room window as I watched.


  Don had his work cut out for him working with me for my obedience lessons. A novice was before him. My hand signals were so fast I don't think a fly could see 'em! Don kindly informed me to s-l-o-w down. An 1 1/2 later I finally mastered his instructions. Whew! That was a mental workout! I think Don mentioned something like "...this was to be Maggie's worst day of obedience behavior due to adding me into the mix ( a newby)." Maggie did great in spite of me. 

   I was impressed with Maggie's training, her care while she was away, and how much fun I had with all the O'Briens; Don, his wife Barbara and his daughter Jessica. Maggie and I said our goodbyes to the dear O'Briens and hopped in the car for the 2 1/2 hr ride home. We drove out of the sunshine of the O'Brien kennels into the overcast day ahead. Musically I changed things up and listened to my CD: Christmas Portrait by the Carpenters. Karen Carpenter sang: I'll Be Home for Christmas as I looked in my rearview mirror at my dog Maggie sleeping. Yes Maggie, you will be home for Christmas, but first we're off to an obedient Thanksgiving! 

Maggie away from home visiting on Thanksgiving Day (11/24/11) 
Yes, she brought her manners with her!
Thanks O'Briens!

ADDENDUM: A big fat thank you to my blog viewers for your patience in the lack of Maggie blogs while she was gone at camp and during her first week home. Maggie and I had a little catching up to do! 
There's no place like home, right Maggie?
(Maggie laying right next to me as I blog-11/27/11)