Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloweenie

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Double, double toil and trouble; 
Fire burn, and caldron bubble."

from Macbeth
A dark Cave. In the middle, a Caldron boiling. Thunder.
Enter the three Witches.

1 WITCH. Thrice the brinded cat hath mew'd. 
2 WITCH. Thrice and once, the hedge-pig whin'd. 
3 WITCH. Harpier cries:—'tis time! 'tis time! 
1 WITCH. Round about the caldron go; 
In the poison'd entrails throw.— 
Toad, that under cold stone, 
Days and nights has thirty-one; 
Swelter'd venom sleeping got, 
Boil thou first i' the charmed pot! 
ALL. Double, double toil and trouble; 
Fire burn, and caldron bubble. 
2 WITCH. Fillet of a fenny snake, 
In the caldron boil and bake; 
Eye of newt, and toe of frog, 
Wool of bat, and tongue of dog, 
Adder's fork, and blind-worm's sting, 
Lizard's leg, and owlet's wing,— 
For a charm of powerful trouble, 
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble. 
ALL. Double, double toil and trouble; 
Fire burn, and caldron bubble. 
3 WITCH. Scale of dragon; tooth of wolf; 
Witches' mummy; maw and gulf 
Of the ravin'd salt-sea shark; 
Root of hemlock digg'd i the dark; 
Liver of blaspheming Jew; 
Gall of goat, and slips of yew 
Sliver'd in the moon's eclipse; 
Nose of Turk, and Tartar's lips; 
Finger of birth-strangled babe 
Ditch-deliver'd by a drab,— 
Make the gruel thick and slab: 
Add thereto a tiger's chaudron, 
For the ingrediants of our caldron. 
ALL. Double, double toil and trouble; 
Fire burn, and caldron bubble. 
2 WITCH. Cool it with a baboon's blood, 
Then the charm is firm and good. 

 early morning full moon on Halloweenie day
Trick or Treat from our house to yours! WOOF WOOF

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fog, Crows And Worms

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Ron: staring in to a misty crystal ball > I don't need to ask her what this means. It's telling me there is going to be fog tonight."

  Today is the second day we're socked in with heavy fog in the morning. It's a fog hangover from last night. It reminds me of the Harry Potter novel when Ron Weasley looked into the misty crystal ball and predicted fog. Maggie and I continue to hear their repetitive "Caw, Caw, Caw" as they fly in groups to gather. They land one at a time on the tree branches. The pine tree hides the group in its thick needles. A solitary crow looked about as Maggie and I caught it on camera. In our neighborhood the black crows love the fog. It's damp. The crows love worms. When there's wetness on the ground the worms come out in abundance. Easy pickings. On our walk Maggie and I have to sidestep these big inch worms. The fog, the crows, and worms all sound like a set-up for a ghoulish Halloween. One day away.... 

Hey Maggie, I think I hear "trick or treat"? Get the gummi worms, the crows showed up. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Full Moon Champs! Or Is That Trick Or Treat Early?

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"May you have warm words on a cold evening, a full moon on a dark night and a smooth way to your door."

  Tonight is a full moon. Last night Maggie and I went outside to get a glimpse of the moon's fullness. We were very excited after our SF Giants baseball team won the World Series. Looks like last night's moon lit the path to a World Series Championship. WOOF WOOF. Through the trees we saw the moon. Our camera captured a green colored spooky version of the full moon. Perfect for Halloween week. The countdown begins. Trick or Treat day is in two more days. Maggie's ready with her Bumblebee costume and I with my Lorax costume. Maggie will be buzz, buzz, buzzing about while I, as the Lorax, will be heralding the merits of the Truffula trees. Until then, may our friends have warm words on a cold evening, a full moon on a dark night, and a smooth way to your door.

PS. Way to go SF Giants!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Elusive And Mysterious Two Birds Blue

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Birds are the most popular group in the animal kingdom. We feed them and tame then and think we know them. And yet they inhabit a world which is really rather mysterious."

  Maggie sat quietly in the corner of the yard looking up. I could see a quizzical look on her face. I'm thinking to myself what is she looking at? She just sat there very still and continued to look up towards the trees. She never barked. Where Maggie sat lies our fence line bordered by trees. These trees were once small, skinny saplings and now they are tall, tall trees. Many different birds seek shelter in them. I called Maggie inside. Then my curiosity got the better of me. I went back outside with Maggie to where she had sat and looked up. Wow. A blue colored bird sat there very still next to a big nest in the tree. I ran inside to get my point & shoot camera. I started taking photos the best I could with its small range zoom. The next thing I know is another of the same kind of bird flies back to the nest. The second bird hopped in the nest. This bird also was blue colored all over with a darker colored head that blended into the blue. 
nest & bird

The first bird continued to guard the nest. It made me think of Maggie and who says bird dogs can't befriend birds? Now I'm trying to figure out what kind of bird this is? I Googled bird images without much luck. 

Thanks to Maggie I got into this "mysterious bird" search which led me to Project Feeder Watch by The Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Their headline read "Embrace the winter. Count feeder birds for science!" I told Maggie No-we're too busy! She looked back at me with those pleading puppy-dog eyes. OK, I give, we'll do it. Looks like Maggie and I are going to be counting birds for science. We sent our $15 dollars in to get our research bird feeder kit. When it arrives we will report online how many birds come to our feeder. The project starts Nov. 10th (2nd Saturday of November) and goes through the first Friday of April 2013. Anyone else care to join us in counting birds for research? You might get some good photos! By the way, if anyone knows what kind of birds these are please let us know. It's still rather mysterious. 

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Boo-Qwilla: At The Foot Of Greatness

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.

  Maggie loves exploring Stanford University campus. It has many worlds of wonder in one location and is very dog friendly. One  treasure visited by Maggie is the Boo-Qwilla totem pole. It's greatness dwarfed her. Animals of all kinds are artistically displayed by Canadian artist Art Thompson. Maggie likes this magical totem. At the base a supernatural Killer whale turns into a Wolf. Maggie had a kindred connection when she sat at the foot of greatness. Maybe it was the transformed Wolf she connected with?

On this Nuu-chah-nulth totem pole, Thunderbird, with wings outstretched, towers overhead. He perches on top of Raven, the creator of Earth, Light, and Consciousness. Raven’s wings encompass the headdress of Boo-Qwilla, a person of knowledge, wisdom, and achievement. Legend affirms this ancestral human is Raven’s most prized creation who is charged with the safekeeping of knowledge and the preservation of the earth. At the base, a supernatural Killer whale transforms into a Wolf. This creature possesses magical healing powers which aid humankind.

Friday, October 26, 2012

California Dew: Dancing In The Rain

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
'Singin' in the Rain' was the one for me. Yeah. I mean, Gene Kelly could just sway and never fall. He'd just sway and sway as he danced.

  Maggie has a new raincoat lined with fleece. She stood in the rainy backyard posing for me before we went on our rainy walk. I think she was smiling. Fashion statement? We walked in the the rain. Our umbrella was left at home. Maggie's steps looked like dancing from drops to drops. Every now and then a shake this way and shake that way. Splish splash all over us. Oh, and the sniffing the wet ground. Maggie's memories of her "tracking lessons" surfaced. She had learned to track the human scent on wet ground. Back to frolicking in the rain. Our red raincoats were on board. We were prepared. Maggie licked the drops. We both smiled and we danced along the sidewalk. We both came home with wet hair on our heads. FUN. Inside our warm place we dried off our wet hair and hung up our coats. Toasty and happy inside we smiled, because we danced in the rain. 

Our raincoats and Maggie

SMILE & CLICK: Gene Kelly in Singin In The Rain

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Pure Love Of The Game: Old Felt

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never ever have enough."

  Good morning Thursday. I'm blessed. I already have a morning present of a raggedy tennis ball plopped on my laptop. I can take a hint. OK, I'll toss the ball Maggie. One tennis ball is never enough in dog world. It's not that Maggie's greedy, she  just wants to share her pure love of the "toss & retrieve" game. Maggie's friends agree. It's mirrors an affair with a human delicacy like escargot or caviar, Maggie just craves more and wants me to crave more. Her friend B in Boston is like that too. She believes in the more the merrier. Today Maggie and her friends salute old tennis balls. Maggie & B think their tennis balls are like a fine wine. The tennis ball aging process brings out the best qualities for doggie delight. Maggie & B give thanks.

B in Boston: 5 ball salute!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Cotton Balls, Dumplings Or Clouds?

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Excuse me while I kiss the sky."

  Yesterday there was plenty of sunshine and an afternoon sky filled with clouds. Once again Maggie and I were in awe as we took our walk. Cotton balls? Dumplings? Spectacular clouds were everywhere. They were so thick we wanted to squoosh 'em. Or fall backwards and feel their fluffiness. Or maybe eat them? Some clouds reminded us of dumplings or cloud gnocchi? YUM. We walked. We stopped. Click. Click. More photos taken. We walked, stopped, and clicked the whole way home. Maggie and I wanted to kiss the sky. We were in love with the clouds above.

cloud gnocchi?


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Heads In The Clouds

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"There are no rules of architecture for a castle in the clouds."


  Maggie and I are having a hard time keeping our heads out of the clouds. They are so beautiful this time of year. All we can do when we take our walks or run around town is look up! There must be a castle on the other side of what we see. Our imagination takes off seeing the brilliant colors and shapes. When we look up it is like watching a moving piece of artwork in 3D.  No rules of architecture for Mother Nature. It's inspirational to see the creative forms all around us. Maybe Maggie will take up painting nature's cloudscapes? If she can hold a tennis ball for dear life, surely a paintbrush will do. We have brushes around here somewhere.... Hey Maggie, come over here. Have I got a paintbrush for you.


Monday, October 22, 2012

It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over-Woof Woof

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Every day is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterday's success or put its failures behind and start over again. That's the way life is, with a new game every day, and that's the way baseball is."

Home run?

  Any sport with a ball is a good sport for Maggie. Each day she digs in her toy bin and pulls out a ball of a different color. She's having a busy week. Last Saturday it was her Stanford football team. WIN. Today it's another team and another fresh start. Maggie likes that each new day is a new day. Yesterday is history. She can start fresh with new opportunities. Just like baseball. "It ain't over 'til it's over." Today is a big game with Maggie's SF Giants baseball team playing Game #7 against her mom Ginger and her brother Samson's St. Louis Cardinals' team. Two great teams to cheer for. Maggie had to draw a line in the sand and go for her home boys- the SF Giants. Nothing personal. May the best team win-GO SF GIANTS. Woof Woof


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Caught In The Act

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"The time to relax is when you don't have time for it."

(Maggie's mom Ginger with her best buddy)

  Maggie and her mom Ginger have something in common. They love people and cuddling together. Ginger was caught in the act the other day. It was discovered she had fallen asleep on the couch with one of the grand-kids. Ginger deserves any relaxing moments she can get. It's tough being a mom. Maggie's need to sneak in some relaxation time comes from her playing hard. When she gives all of herself full throttle it takes it out of her. This happens being super enthusiastic. When it's quiet, I wonder where's Maggie? I am sure to find her in a couple of her favorite places. One such spot is her coziest bed. I caught her in the act. There she was snuggled up when I was ready to toss the tennis ball. Maybe it's a good idea relaxing when she doesn't have time for it. If she knew the tennis ball was calling she'd be back to work pronto. Working hard at play.



Saturday, October 20, 2012

Campus Queen: Two Words

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:

  Maggie was on Stanford University campus showing her support for her Stanford college football team. The Big Game (school rivalry) is played today: Stanford against Cal Berkeley. Stanford football is ready to make the trek across the Bay to the Cal Berkeley campus. Pumped up with collegiate enthusiasm the fountain turned Cardinal redMaggie is all about team spirit. She believes together everyone achieves more! She'll be doing her bit back on the home front. Maggie's final two words: BEAT CAL!
Final Score: Stanford 21 Cal 3

Friday, October 19, 2012

Campus Queen: Full Of Hearts

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called love and feel the depth, the delight, the ecstasy of it, you will discover that for you the world is transformed."

Stanford Memorial Church

  Maggie and I were on Stanford University campus yesterday. She thought she was the campus queen. Every step of hers was full of confidence and joy. It was a very hot day. As we got closer to the Stanford Memorial Church the coolness was refreshing. It was like how love refreshes one's soul. Many weddings take place in the Stanford Memorial Church it's so spectacular inside and out. As we approached we saw two beautiful brides and their wedding parties leave. Love's twin soul was palpable. Maggie must have felt it for she decided to park herself right under love's wing.

Maggie and I have been here many times. We never realized love was everywhere. It's in the details all around. Were our eyes closed before? Different shaped hearts abounded in the the pillars of the building. What a great place to be, on Stanford campus surrounded by love. Maggie agrees. Our world was transformed. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Feelin' Groovy

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"A hug is a great gift - one size fits all, and it's easy to exchange."

Stanford University (Hoover Tower)

  The weather today is expected to be hot and sunny. Indian summer. Maggie is going to share the love by strolling on Stanford University campus. She loves to give hugs. There's also a fountain by the campus bookstore she plans on getting wet in. It's dog friendly. I know Maggie's enthusiasm for mingling with people, getting wet, and going on a walk will make her a very happy girl. Clear skies, hot weather, and living in the land of awe. Maggie likes Feelin' Groovy!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fast & Furious Football Dreams

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Get excited and enthusiastic about you own dream. This excitement is like a forest fire - you can smell it, taste it, and see it from a mile away."

Maggie's football

  This morning I was greeted by Maggie and her football. She was chomping on it begging me to throw it. I threw a pass down the hall. Off she went quick as lightening. Back again, chomp, chomp, chomp the football was back in my lap. We had some fast & furious football madness here! Maybe Maggie knows her Stanford football team plays the big game this weekend against their rival Cal. Prediction: If the Stanford football team has the excitement and enthusiasm for the game like Maggie it's a sure victory. GO TEAM! Meanwhile, I have another pass to make. Go Maggie! Rest when when victory is achieved. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Trick or Treat: Bee Yourself

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else."

  Halloween is coming. Maggie is ready. She has a bumblebee costume. She tried being a hot dog and it just wasn't her. She considered being a big orange pumpkin. That wasn't quite right either. The bumble bee's velvet coat of yellow and black fits her just right. She can bee herself. Buzz, Buzz. I think the antennae of the costume reminds her of her favorite thing: tennis balls. Maggie modeled her bumble bee costume around the house holding her tennis ball tightly in her mouth. That's who Maggie is. A dog with a tennis ball bee-ing who she is. Bumble bee dog extraordinaire. Trick or treat!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Empty Nest Full Of Leaves

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Having a place to go - is a home. Having someone to love - is a family. Having both - is a blessing."

  Before I knew it Maggie was in Christy's lap (her human sibling). She sneaked that one in on me. In our house Maggie isn't allowed on the furniture. She knows the rule. This once it was OK, because we don't know when we'll see Christy again. It's the East coast verse the West coast homestead. Already some of the family went back home. It's been a blessing having our family together to love. One more to go. Christy's the last. It will be quiet around here without the tribe yelling at the football games or deciding what take-out food to get. Maggie will miss the imaginary food crumbs on the kitchen floor she tried to sniff out.  I think to divert Maggie's attention we'll get busy around the place. Maybe Maggie and I will rake the leaves in the yard. A few good leaves with some twigs will help drown Maggie's sorrows from our empty nest. On the other hand, Maggie might want to catch up on her to sleep now that it's quiet! We love you family! WOOF WOOF

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sunday Slow Down With Touchdowns!

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Slow down and everything you are chasing will come around and catch you." 

  Maggie lays upside down. Her belly screams SCRATCH ME. I'm cute. I'm adorable. Her eyes say I can't move until you pet me. Our family fully supports her slow down. We come to her like a super magnet. Her tummy gets scratched and we feel good sharing the love. It's a foggy Sunday morning. There's no better place to be than inside warm and cozy with a 50 lb MaggieMoose. Besides, the San Francisco 49ers' football game is on later. GO NINERS! I think Maggie has her spot picked out! 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Sidewalk Musings: Beautiful!

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Joy in looking and comprehending is nature's most beautiful gift."

  Family arrived! Maggie and I are over the moon. More family will arrive later today. It truly is a beautiful day inside and out. The sun is full blast with a cold chill in the air of 47 degree weather. The jazz channel is playing Autumn Leaves by Nat King Cole. All is well in the MaggieMoose household. We are joyful!

Maggie's morning 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Sidewalk Musings: Acta Non Verba

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"You can't live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you."

  Acta non verba. Deeds, not words. Maggie has family coming to visit for a few days. She'll be over the moon with getting all the familial attention. She likes to give back too. I'm forecasting she'll entertain everyone with her tennis ball singing, handing over her paw for folks to massage, and other silly antics. Whatever Maggie does, it will be with her whole heart & soul to make the day great.  Maggie knows about deeds, not words. That's how dog's roll. Ask her friend Calvin, the service dog. We like John Wooden's philosophy of doing for others without expecting back. Except, Maggie really does love her paw massages. No worries. She'll pay it back with a wet tennis ball or a slobbery kiss or two. 

beauty in the sunrise

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sidewalk Musings: Blessings

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love."

 Morning walk

  Maggie and I tried to beat the cold on our morning walk by walking fast. On the sidewalk in front of us was written in pink chalk We Are Blessed. STOP. Whoa, wait a minute Maggie. Let's paws for this important message. We looked around and the sky was filled with spectacular pink & blue colors with a barely noticeable sliver of a moon. Yes, we agreed, we are blessed. WOOF WOOF

Morning sky

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Floating Heart

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:
"If instead of a gem, or even a flower, we should cast the gift of a loving thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as the angels give."

floating heart 

  Maggie & I looked up and saw a giant heart cloud. It was enormous and thick. We felt like ants. The cloud hovered above us getting bigger. Angelic. Spectacular. We felt the universe had sent us love in that amazing moment. Mother Nature surprised us. We think that's how it is sometimes when we are touched by the gift of a loving thought. It reminds us to stop, paws, and spread our love around like a floating heart too. WOOF WOOF

Maggie sending the love

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

MaggieMoose Diaries: Hershey Kiss Anyone?

Maggie's pawsability thought for the day:

"Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose."

  Halloween is coming. Maggie knows I love Hershey chocolate kisses around the holidays. When I enjoy my chocolate kisses she can enjoy her rawhide treat. Scrumptious goodies. Right now Maggie's mom Ginger's has a chocolate kiss. His name is Hershey. When we saw his photo we saw chocolate love. Our hearts melted. I remember when Maggie was a puppy. She was so cute. (Still is.) I just loved all over her cute chocolate body. I cherish the memory of those early days. This morning I snuggled up in her velvet head of chocolate softness. It's such a great feeling. We melt each others hearts. We're sure Hershey will fill his new owners lives with sweetness too. Life is great when you start your day with some chocolate love by your side. 

My little Maggie pup of chocolate love